
Who am I ?

Manuel Beaudru

I work as a front-end engineer @Mirakl and I am very fond of JavaScript and of the ReactJS ecosystem.

One thing I really enjoy to dig in new technologies and write about my discoveries so that everyone can benefit from them.

Besides work, I've been sharing my life with @Yuki_kko_ for more than 6 years now (already ?!), I'm a huge fan of Nintendo videogames and drama TV Shows (as you can guess looking at the favicon!)

Some of my work

  • Modern JS Cheatsheet
  • It's a summary of the features and syntaxes that are used a lot in modern JS codebases (most of them have been brought by the JavaScript ES2015 standard).

    It's by far my most popular work at the time of writing: >18k stars on Github, more than 200 readers / day and 60 contributors !

    In a past job at Dassault Systemes I had to help some interns grow fast in JavaScript to maintain a modern codebase. I realized that I couldn't find a resource that matched their needs, so I wrote one ! When done, I decided to share it on reddit just in case, and that's it!

    I learned many lessons from this experience: first, if you feel like something is missing or if you can't find the right tool on the web, do it ! You probably aren't the only one feeling this way and it might help a lot of people.

    Second, most of the feedbacks you'll get on HackerNews are harsh but it doesn't mean that the majority feels the same. The number of visits and the "stars" speaks for themselves.

  • BreakingJS blog
  • I've always wanted to have a space other than medium or github to share my thoughts or work, so I took some time to make !

    This blog is powered by GatsbyJS and I grabbed some ideas from the sources.

  • Ethereum (Blockchain) TodoList
  • A todoList ethereum sample dApp made with create-react-app, Truffle and web3. I made this because I needed to learn how to make a dApp and I thought "if I can make a todolist with this technology I could go a step further next!".

    Indeed, for my end of study project I have been working for @Deloitte with @JBWatenberg on a project which goal was to both guarantee the safety of the user keys in storing them in a HSM and to lower the barrier entry to use blockchain powered apps.